Job Opportunity - Biologist (USFWS, Palm Springs)

As a Biologist your duties may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Coordinates and facilitates activities pursuant to sections 4, 6, 7, 8, and 10 of the Endangered Species Act.
  • Plans and conducts status surveys for both listed and candidate species, in cooperation with other Federal and state agencies, private organizations, and contractors.
  • Acts as technical advisor to Field Office staff and other agencies on the habitat needs of rare, candidate, proposed, and federally listed species for the purpose of Section 7 consultations with other Federal agencies and designated non-Federal representatives; also consults with staff in preparation of reasonable and prudent measures, reasonable and prudent alternatives, and conservation recommendations.
  • Coordinates wide ranging initiatives involving other Federal and state agencies, organizations, and the public in fully implementing Endangered Species Act programs.
  • Provides guidance to journey level and other lower-graded biologists in matters pertinent to areas of special expertise. Organizes and leads teams on complex natural resource issues.
  • Prepares written correspondence and objective reports and other documents. Includes analyzing and evaluating effects of actions on rare, candidate, proposed, threatened and endangered species, and their habitats.
  • Plans, conducts, and reviews on-site ecological investigations on a diversity of complex Federal land and water resource development proposals to determine their effects on fish and wildlife resources, with special emphasis on rare, candidate, proposed, and threatened and endangered species, desert and riparian habitats, wetland ecology and management, and other habitats of concern in the affected area.
  • Delivers oral presentations to internal and external groups with a focus on impacts of various complex projects on fish and wildlife resources.

For more infomration:

Event Dates

Starts: September 03, 2024 10:00am

Ends: September 11, 2024 9:57am