Job Opportunity - Monarch Research and Education Intern – Camp Pendleton

Position Description:

Interns will conduct monarch butterfly monitoring and habitat assessments using standardized protocols, working alongside biologists on the installation to identify priority habitat. Interns will be trained in conducting breeding surveys using the Integrated Monarch Monitoring Protocol (IMMP) and will collect data on milkweed presence and blooming plant species, as well as presence of adult monarchs, eggs, and larvae. Interns will also be trained in conducting overwintering surveys and monarch counts during the non-breeding season. This position is field-based with Mondays to Thursdays spent in the field and Fridays spent inputting data, writing blogs, and completing other computer-based tasks. From August to September, interns will be conducting milkweed and monarch breeding surveys. Starting in mid-October, interns will conduct overwintering surveys.

Interns may also have the opportunity to facilitate outreach and education programs that foster connections and awareness of monarchs, pollinators, and migratory species for military families. Interns will contribute biweekly blogs to our website and attend virtual webinars and team meetings.

This program is funded by the Department of Defense (DoD) Legacy Program in collaboration with the U.S. Forest Service International Programs. This partnership underscores a collective commitment to monarch butterfly monitoring/conservation efforts, particularly in the face of potential ESA listing in 2024.

Start Date: August 2024

Duration: 10-15 weeks depending on availability

Compensation: $600/week + health insurance (if needed). If relocation is required, housing expenses will be covered. Roundtrip travel costs to start and end the position are also covered.

Link for more infomration:

Event Dates

Starts: June 27, 2024 14:30pm

Ends: July 27, 2024 14:30pm