The California Habitat Conservation Planning Coalition will hold its Annual Meeting on Wednesday, May 3rd, from 10 am to 4 pm in San Diego. In addition to the meeting on May 3rd, there will be a half day field trip on the morning of Thursday, May 4th, to visit nearby NCCP conservation and restoration sites.
The meeting on May 3rd will be conducted as a hybrid meeting. You must register to attend remotely.
Topics will include:
County of San Diego Plans Species monitoring and management Habitat restoration Updates from CDFW Legislative updates Plans round table The full agenda will be shared closer to the event.
A big thank you in advance to the County of San Diego for hosting the 2023 CHCPC Annual Meeting.
Please register at -
Starts: May 03, 2023 0:00am
Ends: May 04, 2023 13:00pm