With guidance from experienced team members, the Assistant Biologist will serve as the assistant for Land Resources Manager; ensure compliance with biological mitigation measures identified in environmental documents and approved project/permit conditions; perform field surveys consistent with approved project permits, including the Upper Santa Ana River Wash Habitat Conservation Plan. Please refer to the Assistant Biologist Job Classification at https://www.sbvwcd.org/ourdistrict/career-opportunities/7085-assistant-biologist-job-description/file for additional information.
The Assistant Biologist is an hourly, full-time role that will work a set schedule of 80 hours per pay period with a pay rate of $66,854-$80,225, depending on qualifications. This position includes an accrual of sick time at a rate of 3.69 hours per pay period and 3.08 hours of vacation time per pay period. Additional benefits include a flexible schedule including optional 1) work-from-home days and 2) 9/80 schedule; health, dental, vision, and fertility insurance; CalPERS retirement; and an optional CalPERS 457 supplemental retirement plan.
Starts: August 10, 2022 0:00am
Ends: August 31, 2022 0:00am