The Director of Restoration leads a team of more than 20 Field Foremen and Field Technicians who are responsible for implementing river restoration projects across California. River Partners’ unique contribution to the field of restoration ecology is using farming techniques to reforest rivers and floodplains using diverse native trees, shrubs and grasses; installing and managing large irrigation systems where needed; and innovating new efficient ways to manage invasive weeds. Our Field Restoration team are specialists in both cultivating native forests and managing vendors and contractors. Additionally, working in sensitive aquatic and riparian environments requires careful monitoring and regulatory oversight of field restoration activities, so this position works closely with River Partners’ Director of Restoration Science to ensure project scientists and Field Restoration Team members take extra care to meet and exceed permit conditions and manage multi-million dollar project budgets efficiently. Cost estimation and budget/workplan management are essential for this position.
Please see the attached job description for more information.
Starts: July 20, 2022 0:00am
Ends: August 19, 2022 0:00am