The Department of Bioservices at the San Diego Natural History Museum has openings for biological field assistants. These positions are part time, as needed. All work is funded through grants and contracts.
Assist with field investigations of the flora and fauna throughout the region, including remote areas. Work in remote areas may require camping in field sites. Anticipated upcoming biological work includes botanical surveys, herpetological surveys, bat surveys, bird surveys, small mammal surveys, and entomological work.
Other duties may include specimen preparation, data entry, and report writing.
Due to the varied methodologies utilized for biological surveys, this position has highly variable work hours. Scheduled hours will regularly include evening, night, and early morning hours, and may include weekends.
For more information, please visit the website:
Starts: April 28, 2021 0:00am
Ends: May 15, 2021 0:00am