Under the direction of a Senior Environmental Scientist Supervisor, the incumbent will independently identify problems, develop courses of action, and review and prepare documents on complex issues related to: California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), California Endangered Species Act (CESA), and other environmental laws and regulations; mitigation banking; Natural Community Conservation Plans (NCCP’s), and Watershed Management Plans; assess the impacts of projects on habitat and species; develop and review California Endangered Species Act (F&G Code Section 2050 et seq.) incidental take permits and prepare final environmental documents; coordinate with Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement (LSA) staff on more challenging projects; participate in professional information exchanges; and complete administrative documents. The incumbent will act as lead for other scientific and technical staff. The incumbent will function as a member of a regional environmental review and compliance team focused on a major geographic or technical area.
Review the job announcement for more information.
Starts: October 15, 2019 0:00am
Ends: October 23, 2019 0:00am