On September 18, 2019, SDG&E will begin accepting project proposals from non-profit organizations who are working to reduce hazard fuels in the SDG&E service territory, with specific focus on projects occurring in the wildland-urban interface. The purpose of this solicitation is to identify and support wildland fuel treatment which modifies wildland fire behavior with the goal of reducing burn intensity, limit spread and aiding in suppression.
Through this Request for Proposals (RFP), SDG&E invites 501(c)(3) organizations to apply for project funding that specifically supports one or more of the following:
ï‚· Defensible space at the landscape and community level
ï‚· Fuel breaks
ï‚· Roadside brushing
Individual 501(c) (3) organizations may apply for grant awards ranging from $25,000 - $100,000.
Starts: September 23, 2019 0:00am
Ends: October 11, 2019 0:00am