This effort will provide an opportunity to make significant contributions to the recovery of endangered species and conservation of other wildlife throughout the watershed. The successful candidate will work independently and with a team of biologists, under the supervision of the WHMS supervisor. SAWA biologists may routinely work with member agencies.
Primary duties include: nest monitoring for Least Bell’s Vireo, California Least Tern and other sensitive avian species in Riverside, San Bernardino and/or Orange Counties; maintain Brown-headed Cowbird traps and manage seasonal assistants; perform avian nest searching in support of SAWA’s invasive plant control; conduct general avian surveys including winter and breeding bird surveys; conduct general biological monitoring of restoration sites; conduct surveys for other sensitive species. Duties may also include participation in plant surveys, aquatic surveys, small mammal trapping, and herpetological surveys to include area searches, cover-boards, pit-fall traps and night drives; assist with ecological restoration projects; accurately collect and analyze biological and ecological data and prepare technical reports. Biologists work independently in the field during the nesting season and spend a large portion of the off-season preparing relevant reports.
Please see the attached job description for more information.
Starts: November 30, 2017 0:00am
Ends: December 23, 2017 0:00am