Shot Hole Borer Survey

On behalf of Patrick Gower, Sabrina Drill, and the rest of surveying subcommittee of the SHB natural resources/urban forestry coalition, please fill out the survey at the link below to help the coalition get an idea of who is surveying and what protocols they are using. With this the coalition will try and develop a survey effort range map so they can identify where survey efforts are occurring and areas where they are not so we can direct resources to those areas.

It is important that they receive as much participation as they can so their map will be as complete as possible. It's on the Collaborative Tools System but it should also get to those how don't have access. Please distribute the link below to all of the folks you think will need to fill it out.

Thank you!

Event Dates

Starts: April 03, 2017 0:00am

Ends: May 31, 2017 0:00am