We will have three shorter presentations this meeting: 1) The story of goldspotted oak borer (GSOB) in San Diego County (Kalee Koeslag) The goldspotted oak borer (GSOB; Agrilus auroguttatus) is an invasive wood-boring beetle that has been killing oak trees in San Diego County for at least a decade. Background information on GSOB will be provide as well as preliminary results from a thesis project. This research project is assessing the changes that occur in vegetation and arthropod communities after GSOB kills coast live oak trees.
2) Preliminary report on the Isla Revillagigado, Mexico, expedition (Jim Berrian & Ida Naughton)Twenty-four biologists and volunteers spent two weeks on the boat Shogun investigating the flora and faunas of six Mexican islands. Three islands are along the west coast of Baja California Sur. Three islands are part of the volcanic Isla Revillagigedo group 300-440 miles southwest from land’s end, Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur. With few exceptions these islands have been poorly surveyed for arthropods. We will report on some of the new and interesting finds.
3) Quino checkerspot butterfly translocation project (Daniel Marschalek) Few Quino checkerspot butterflies have been seen in San Diego County during recent years. To augment or reestablish a population, 1400+ larvae were released a couple months ago and many are feeding on Plantago erecta and growing. There have been a couple press releases about the project and a short photo update will be provided. USFWS, SD National Wildlife Refuge, SD Zoo, Conservation Biology Institute, Creekside Center for Earth Observation, Earth Discovery Institute, and Recon Environmental Inc are also participating in this project.
Additional information about the meeting and group can be found at www.sandiegoarthropodsociety.weebly.com.
Starts: March 14, 2017 18:00pm
Ends: March 14, 2017 19:45pm