Oak Threats Workshop

In place of the normally scheduled Western Riverside County MSHCP management/monitoring coordination meeting, a half-day workshop focusing specifically on current threats to our oak woodlands, and available management options will be held. The meeting will be next Thursday, April 10th at the Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District conference room (Bldg F near the Monitoring Program office in Riverside). Directions are attached (here) and an agenda is outlined below. If there are people that you think would be interested to attend the meeting that aren't regular meeting attendees, please invite them.

The meeting will be separated into two parts: (1) a series of presentations on oak mortality and GSOB, and (2) an afternoon workshop on oak management, where participants can ask specific questions about the oaks they manage and a moderated discussion about management goals. We encourage participants to bring information on their oak woodlands, and their management systems/policies.

10:00-12:00: PRESENTATIONS. Managing Oak Mortality associated with Goldspotted Oak Borer (Agrilus auroguttatus)

I. Understanding the Current Risk to your oak woodlands: Extent and recent expansion of GSOB outbreak II. Calculating the susceptibility of your Oaks to GSOB III. Understanding patterns of Oak decline and death once GSOB arrives IV. Understanding management needs, options, and consequences

12:00-1:00: DISCUSSION. Creating an Oak Mortality Management Plan for individual preserves, open forum on management options.

We'll have the usual snacks and coffee but because we're extending into the lunch hour if you're able to bring a lunch please go ahead and do that. The meeting room has a small kitchen off it, with a microwave, refrigerator and utensils if needed. There's also a close sandwich shop which I'll have a menu for and we can send a runner to pick up whatever anyone wants to purch

Event Dates

Starts: April 10, 2014 0:00am

4500 Glenwood Dr Riverside, CA