Mgmt/Monit Coord Mtg - Oct2012

The October management/monitoring coordination meeting will be held Wednesday October 24, 2012 from 9:30am-11:30am at USGS in the downstairs conference room.


· Dave Varner, San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy will be demonstrating an invasive plant reporting PDA application and also giving an overview of SELC activities. If you are interested, follow the links below to download the applications prior to the meeting. David promised to give detailed instructions at the meeting for those of us who do not do this kind of thing regularly (me included)!

There are two, and for the professional I suggest installing both: o What's Invasive! is citizen science. If you have a smartphone download the What's Invasive app and sign up for an account. Even if you don't have a smartphone go to the website ( and sign up for an account. Select Park=San Diego County.

o Calflora Observer is for the professional. Go to the website ( and register as a contributor. Download the app to your smartphone if you have one.

· Ron Rempel, SDMMP, will be giving an overview of the draft Management Strategic Plan that is still in progress but further along now that we have GIS and Data Management staff.

Normal monthly meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of every month, except for the combined November/December meeting.

Agenda AgendaOct2012.pdf [23KB]

Presentations DVarnerSELC2012-10-24SDMMP.pdf [3143KB] DVarnerSELC10242012Supplemental.pdf [2141KB] EngagingCitizenScientistswithMobilePhonesWhatsInvasiveSDCounty [Compatibility Mode].pdf [573KB] Target SpecieshandoutDec2011.pdf [75KB]

CalfloraObserverIPhone_Instructions.pdf [34KB]

RRempelMSP 102412.pdf [3277KB]

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