2016 Ocean Climate Summit

The Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary and Greater Farallones Association, in partnership with the California Landscape Conservation Cooperative, EcoAdapt, Schmidt Marine, Seed Fund, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are pleased to convene the Fourth Ocean Climate Summit: Resilience through Climate-Smart Conservation on May 17, 2016 at the Fort Mason General’s Residence in San Francisco from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, with a networking poster reception to immediately follow. The goal of the summit is to improve the resilience of the North-central California coast and ocean to climate change through awareness, action, collaboration and leadership.

The progam features expert panels addressing the common theme of Climate-Smart Conservation, and will include: Monitoring the Pulse of the Ocean; On-the-Ground Climate-Smart Conservation; Thinking Globally and Planning Locally for Sea Level Rise; and Climate-Smart from Watershed to Sea. Afternoon focus groups will convene to share lessons learned, encourage collaboration, and advise the sanctuary on climate-smart conservation. A networking poster reception highlighting Bay Area projects and programs focused on coastal climate change and ocean acidification will immediately follow, and a youth coastal climate education café will also be featured throughout the day. This year we are also pleased to partner with the California Landscape Conservation Cooperative on a Climate-Smart Conservation training to be held at Fort Mason the following day.

Please join our growing network of scientists, coastal and marine resource managers, decision-makers, educators, and more for this year’s Ocean Climate Summit. The deadline to register is May 10, 2016. Registration costs $15 per person and includes morning coffee and pastries, lunch, and appetizers at the poster reception. Space is limited so please register soon!

For more information and to register,

Event Dates

Starts: May 17, 2016 9:00am

Ends: May 17, 2016 17:00pm

1 Franklin St, San Francisco, CA 94123