Metric | Condition | Trend | Confidence |
1. Hydrologic ImpairmentHydrologic Impairment Score based on dams, diversions, wells, and artificial channels |
Caution |
Unknown |
High |
2. Watershed Percent Area BurnedPercent of undeveloped subwatersheds burned over a 20-year period |
Concern |
Declining |
High |
3. Impervious SurfacesPercent of impervious surface in subwatersheds |
Concern |
Unknown |
Moderate |
4. Native versus Invasive Aquatic Species IndexCombined score of invasive and native aquatic species by subwatersheds |
Concern |
Unknown |
Moderate |
Current Status
The current overall condition status of the Hydrology Indicator is Concern based on consideration of the four metric condition values, with a slightly higher weighting for Metrics 2 and 3. Dams and water diversions are causing hydrologic impairment (Metric 1), and across the landscape, there is low to moderate native species richness and invasive aquatic species are of considerable concern (Metric 4). The percentage of watershed burned in the last 20 years (Metric 2) is high, and impervious surfaces (Metric 3) associated with development are increasing runoff. Additional metrics may be added as more information becomes available.
Species information
For more information on this species including Occurrences, MSP Information, Projects, Files & Documents, and Species Profile, see the link below.
Species Information
Species Information
Metric 1 - Hydrologic Impairment
Metric 2 - Watershed Percent Area Burned
Metric 3 - Impervious Surfaces
Metric 4 - Native versus Invasive Aquatic Species Index
Additional Resources
Related Projects
Project Names | Metrics |
Urban Aseasonal Flow Study | HYD1 |
Selected Citations
Citation Name | Leading Author | Year |
Vegetation Map 2015 FRAP | 2015 | |
Baseline Biodiversity Survey for the Rancho Jamul Ecological Reserve | Stacie Hathaway | 2002 |
Joint estimation of habitat dynamics and species interactions: disturbance reduces co-occurrence of non-native predators with an endangered toad | Cheryl Brehme | 2012 |
Management and Monitoring Strategic Plan for Conserved Lands in Western San Diego County: A Strategic Habitat Conservation Roadmap Volume 1 | Yvonne C. Moore | 2017 |
Related Objectives
Objectives | Metrics |
ALTHYD-1: Research | HYD3 |
ALTHYD-2: Prepare Hydrology Management Plan | HYD1HYD3 |
ALTHYD-3: Implement Best Management Practices | HYD2HYD3HYD4 |