Southwestern pond turtle
Metric | Condition | Trend | Confidence |
1. Presence of Adult vs Juvenile Pond TurtlesScore based on population viability by subwatershed |
Significant Concern |
Improving |
High |
2. Invasive Aquatic Species Impact ScoreImpact score of invasive aquatic species by subwatershed |
Concern |
No Change |
Moderate |
3. Water Availability ScoreScore based on hydrologic impacts and observed water levels by subwatershed |
Concern |
Unknown |
Moderate |
4. Managed Occurrences on Conserved LandsScore based on the level of management and outcome (presence of juveniles/young) |
Significant Concern |
Improving |
High |
Current Status
The current overall condition status of the Southwestern Pond Turtle Species Indicator is Concern. There are four metrics for southwestern pond turtle. The current overall status is derived by considering the scores across the four metrics. The lack of sites with juvenile turtles is of Significant Concern (Metric 1). Invasive aquatic animals remain a Concern, despite intensive management at some sites (Metric 2). Low water availability due to prolonged, intense drought is a Concern (Metric 3). There is a lack of successfully reproducing populations on Conserved Lands, although this is improving with management (Metric 4). The two metrics with highest confidence (Metrics 1 and 4) have Improving trends due to intensive management. While there are still very few populations on Conserved Lands, restoration and translocation efforts have increased the number of occurrences with juvenile pond turtles within the regional preserve system. More metrics may be added for future analyses.
Species information
For more information on this species including Occurrences, MSP Information, Projects, Files & Documents, and Species Profile, see the link below.
Species Information
Species Information
Metric 1 - Presence of Adult vs Juvenile Pond Turtles
Significant Concern
Metric 2 - Invasive Aquatic Species Impact Score
No Change
Metric 3 - Water Availability Score
Metric 4 - Managed Occurrences on Conserved Lands
Significant Concern
Additional Resources
Related Projects
Project Names | Metrics |
USGS Southwestern Pond Turtle Management and Monitoring Study | SWPT1 |
Urban Aseasonal Flow Study | SWPT3 |
Selected Citations
Related Objectives
Objectives | Metrics |
EMYMAR-1: Implement | SWPT1SWPT2SWPT4 |
EMYMAR-13: Implement Fire Management | SWPT3 |
EMYMAR-2: Implement | SWPT4 |
EMYMAR-3: Implement Expand or establish a new species occurrence | SWPT2 |
EMYMAR-4: Implement Inspect and Manage | SWPT4 |
EMYMAR-5: Implement Inspect and Manage | SWPT2 |
EMYMAR-6: Prepare Management Plan | SWPT2SWPT3SWPT4 |