San Diego National Wildlife Refuge Otay-Sweetwater Unit DRAFT 2002 MSCP Monitoring Summary

Type: report

Article abstract: This year the San Diego National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge) staff conducted monitoring for a number of MSCP covered species, as well as other sensitive and listed species on the Refuge. Because of the record low amount of rainfall during the preceding year, this Spring was a poor season for production of many annual and geophytic plants, and many species never bloomed or germinated/emerged. Nonetheless, we were able to conduct monitoring for a number of annual and perennial plants. This year we also conducted monitoring of MSCP covered vertebrates at a number of sites on the Refuge. Much of our MSCP vertebrate monitoring was focused along the Sweetwater River and south of Sweetwater Reservoir while we conducted more in-depth biological monitoring efforts of listed species.

Number of pages: 3

Year: 2002

Purpose: 2002 monitoring summary for the San Diego National Wildlife refuge Otay-Sweetwater unit.

Keywords: MSCP; National Wildlife Refuge; NWR; San Diego;

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